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Reduce Your Distractions 
Increase Your Focus 

Meditation Easy

Deeper meditation experience and relaxationby brain wave influencing sounds. Designed for easier access to your alphaand subconscious mind and emotions. For best results please use HEADPHONES or SPEAKERS of high quality.

Deep Conciousness  

Deep Consciousness

Meditative Space -  Flow States Vol. 1

Deepest meditaton and flow states. Designed for easier access to your alpha and subconscious mind and emotions.

Meditative Space -  Flow States Vol. 2

Ideal for meditation and relaxation. Mediation made easy by neuro scientifically optimized sounds. Contains alpha and theta waves.


Chakra Meditations 

Chakra Meditations

Meditative Space - Chakra Sounds Vol. 1 

UT – 396   Hz Intent: turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear

RE – 417    Hz Intent: undoing situations and facilitating change

MI – 528    Hz Intent: transformation and miracles (DNA repair)

A – 639     Hz Intent: re-connecting and balancing, relationships

SOL – 741 Hz Intent: solving problems, expressions/solutions

LA – 852   Hz Intent: awakening intuition, returning to spiritual order


Meditative Space - Chakra Sounds Vol. 2 

Sound bath of 7 chakra yoga music tracks for your yoga practice and meditation. ----- Soundbäder bestehend aus 7 Chakra Musik Tracks for Yoga Übungen und Meditation.


Sound Bath 

Sound Bath

Moon Ceremonies I - III Bundle - Gong Sound Bath

I - New moon in Scorpio "Increase your Intuition"
II - Full moon in Gemini "Communication"
III - New moon in Sagittarius "Vision" Ancient wisdom meets modern science.
The “Moon ceremonies” are a blend of ancient sounds of planetary gongs by Gong with Frida (Frida Möhres) and sensitive electronics by Resonance Space (Ivo Vossen) stimulating brain waves and ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response). This album is neuro-scientifically optimized to facilitate deepest relaxation, meditation


Moon Ceremonies I - Gong Sound Bath

Would you like to increase your intuition when you feel lost, receiving answers from within? Would you like to to dive deeper into meditation?

Go on a journey towards yourself, supported by the sensitive gong playing by Frida Mohres combined with neuroscientifically optimized sounds from Resonance Space. Lay back and put your headphones on to immerse into your subconscious and into the Lie down, close your eyes and take a bath in sounds. Let them take you on your personal journey. These tracks have a high dynamic range which is made for bathing. Meditation tracks have less dynamic but might sound familiar.


Moon Ceremonies II - Gong Sound Bath

Would you like to find clarity within a storm? Would you like to express your inner truth?

Guided by Frida’s gong playing and Resonance Space’s neuroscientifically optimized sounds, let your mind come to rest and let yourself be carried by the wind of sound on a journey into the subconscious of your communication. This moon ceremony tells a story of deep transformation, connects to all surroundings, to nature and to all the universal possibilities.

This track has been inspired by a full moon in Gemini which relates to the element of air.

Moon Ceremonies III - Gong Sound Bath

What can I do to find and follow my dreams? How can I get hold of a vision that will provide meaning to me?

“Step into the fire of self-discovery. This fire will not burn you, it will only burn what you are not.” (Mooji) Travel to the essence of your visions in a blend of live gong playing and neuro electronic sounds brought together by Frida Möhres and Resonance Space. This fiery moon ceremony allows for energetic impulses to move forward in realizing your vision.

This track has been inspired by a new moon in Sagittarius, related to the element of fire.


Meditative Space - Sound Bath Vol.1

Lie down, close your eyes and take a bath in sounds. Let them take you on your personal journey. These tracks have a high dynamic range which is made for bathing. Meditation tracks have less dynamic but might sound familiar.


Breathing Techniques

Music for several breathing techniques to prepare for meditation or Neuro Tuning.


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